Friday, May 18, 2012


I've reached the point in the book where the directions changes from the focus of finding dog murderer to Chris in search of a somewhat normal life after he finds his father, Ed Boone, is guilty of the crime and turns violent. Chris ends up hiding out in shed before he takes himself on a mentally excruciating journey to london by train. he has to fight his fears of talking to strangers, changing his daily schedule and his fear of crowded places. He decides to go to London as he found out his father lied to him about his mothers death. After his father found him reading the ltters his mom wrote to him but never received, he exposes everything about what he kept from  Chris. He explains the tension between the Mrs. Shears is the result of Chris' mom cheating with Mr. Shear's. Astonishingly she left Chris and Ed and everything else except for Mr. Shear's, randomly for London. Further explained n the last chapter's, she does so as she noticed Chris was always happier with Ed and not her. She blames her short temper and demanding personality as one of the reasons why the family relationship never worked out.
Letter written from Judy Boone to her son Chris.

On his way to London he gets lost near the school so he is forced to fight his fear of asking strangers for directions to the train station. He becomes very distraught and confused once he reaches the city because of all the commotion and noise. he ends up finding his mothers apartment address (from letters) and waits in garden for her to come out. I was expecting a larger expression but it resembled more a greeting after a week long trip to a camp. Mr. Shears is annoyed with Chris' prescense and suggests he leaves. The couple and Chris end up going back to their home in Swindown where Ed is forced to stay elsewhere. The book ends by the mother and Mr. Shear's buying a red brick house down the street and buying a dog at ed's house for Chris' and his father's relationship to strenthen.

I believe this was a good book because as previously stated in my psots i suspected something with the death of the mother being false and ed being the murderer, and as Chris boone said,

       "In a murder mystery novel someone has to work out who the murderer is and then catch them.        It is a puzzle. If it is a good puzzle you can sometimes work out the answer before the end of the book. (5):"

... it was a good puzzle.


  1. Good work yo! I like the way you explained the storyline of the book and think of why things happened.

  2. Good summary Sutton. I also noticed that the original plot of the book became much less significant, as new problems arose, such as the relationship between Chris' mother and father, and Chris' own future.

  3. I liked the fact that you brought up at what point of the story it changes from Chris trying to solve a murder to trying to have a normal life.
